Ymwel'd â'r ddaear wyt O Dduw

(Daioni Duw yn ei ragluniaeth.
Psalm 65.9-11,13.)
Ymwel'd â'r ddaear wyt, O Dduw
  A phob peth byw sydd arni;
Gan anfon gwlaw a gwlith i lawr,
  I'w thramawr gyfoethogi.

Pob rhych yr wyt yn ei ddyfrhâu,
  A'i chwysau'r wyt yn ostwng:
A'i mwydo'r wyt
    â chafod wlith,
  I'w chnwd rhoi fendith deilwng.

Trwy'th fendith di y gwastad dir
  A guddir oll â defaid;
Chrechwenna, cana pawb ynghŷd,
  A'r wlad a ŷd ei llonaid.

Coroni'r ydwyt ti fel hyn
  Y flwyddyn â'th ddaioni;
A'th lwybrau di, mewn bryn a phant,
  Diferant frasder arni.
Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

[Mesur: MS 8787]

  Duw a sicrhâ bob uchel fryn
  I ti O Dduw y gweddai mawl

(The goodness of God in his providence.
Psalm 65:9-11,13.)
Visiting the earth art thou, O God,
  And everything living that is on it;
By sending rain and dew down,
  So greatly to enrich it.

Every furrow thou art watering,
  And its ruts thou art assuaging:
And moistening thou art
    with a shower of dew,
  To its crop to give a worthy blessing.

Through thy blessing the level ground
  Shall all be covered with sheep;
All will laugh, sing together,
  And the land with corn it shall cheer.

Crowning thou art thus
  The year with thy goodness;
And thy paths, in hill and hollow,
  They shall drip with fatness upon it.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion
 9 From out thy unexhausted store
     thy rain relieves the thirsty ground;
   Makes lands, that barren were before,
     with corn and useful fruits abound.
10 On rising ridges down It pours,
     and ev'ry furrowed valley fills;
   Thou mak'st them soft
       with gentle show'rs,
     in which a blest increase distils.

11 Thy goodness does the circling year
     with fresh returns of plenty crown;
   And, where thy glorious paths appear,
     thy fruitful clouds drop fatness down.

13 Large flocks with fleecy wool adorn
     the cheerful downs; the valleys bring
   A plenteous crop of full-eared corn,
     and seem for joy to shout and sing.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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